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If The Elect Could Perish, Then Jesus Christ Should Be Very Unfaithful To His Father, Because God The Father Hath Given This Charge To Christ, That Whomsoever He Elected, Christ Should Preserve Them Safe, To Bring Them To Heaven. Now Should Not This Be Accomplished, Christ Would Be Unfaithful To His Father. John 6.39.
-Christopher Love
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If The Elect Could Perish, Then Jesus

Christopher Love
If The Elect Could Perish, Then Jesus Christ Should Be Very Unfaithful To His Father, Because God The Father Hath Given This Charge To Christ, That Whomsoever He Elected, Christ Should Preserve Them Safe, To Bring Them To Heaven. Now Should Not This Be Accomplished, Christ Would Be Unfaithful To His Father. John 6.39.
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