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Somebody Said That It Couldn't Be Done But He With A Chuckle Replied That "maybe It Couldn't," But He Would Be One Who Wouldn't Say So Till He Tried. So He Buckled Right In With The Trace Of A Grin On His Face. If He Worried He Hid It. He Started To Sing As He Tackled The Thing That Couldn't Be Done, And He Did It.
-Edgar Guest
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Somebody Said That It Couldn't Be Done

Edgar Guest
Somebody Said That It Couldn't Be Done But He With A Chuckle Replied That "maybe It Couldn't," But He Would Be One Who Wouldn't Say So Till He Tried. So He Buckled Right In With The Trace Of A Grin On His Face. If He Worried He Hid It. He Started To Sing As He Tackled The Thing That Couldn't Be Done, And He Did It.
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