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Some People Say They're Retired And It Means They Have Time To Do Things They Want To Do. I Have Always Had The Privilege To Engage In My Hobbies As If They Were Work. And They Are. So Hobbies Are Work, But Work That You Want To Do; They Are Play. Retirement? That Sounds Like You're Going To Passively Walk Into The Sunset And Disappear.
-Diane Keaton
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Some People Say They're Retired And It

Diane Keaton
Some People Say They're Retired And It Means They Have Time To Do Things They Want To Do. I Have Always Had The Privilege To Engage In My Hobbies As If They Were Work. And They Are. So Hobbies Are Work, But Work That You Want To Do; They Are Play. Retirement? That Sounds Like You're Going To Passively Walk Into The Sunset And Disappear.
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