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Some Feel That You Lose Your Independence If You Don't Let Your Mind Just Wander Where It Wants To, If You Try To Control It. But That Is Not The Case. If Your Mind Is Proceeding In The Correct Way, One Already Has The Correct Opinion. But If Your Mind Is Proceeding In An Incorrect Way, Then It's Necessary, Definitely, To Exercise Control.
-Dalai Lama
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Some Feel That You Lose Your Independence

Dalai Lama
Some Feel That You Lose Your Independence If You Don't Let Your Mind Just Wander Where It Wants To, If You Try To Control It. But That Is Not The Case. If Your Mind Is Proceeding In The Correct Way, One Already Has The Correct Opinion. But If Your Mind Is Proceeding In An Incorrect Way, Then It's Necessary, Definitely, To Exercise Control.
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