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She Gave Him A Wan Smile. "and Then You Came, Eragon. You And Saphira. After Hope Had Deserted Me And I Was About To Be Taken To Galbatorix In Uru'baen, A Rider Appeared To Rescue Me. A Rider And A Dragon!" "and Morzan's Son," He Said. "both Of Morzan's Sons." "describe It How You Will, It Was Such An Improbable Rescue, I Occasionally Think That I Did Go Mad And That I've Imagined Everything Since.
-Christopher Paolini
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She Gave Him A Wan Smile. "and

Christopher Paolini
She Gave Him A Wan Smile. "and Then You Came, Eragon. You And Saphira. After Hope Had Deserted Me And I Was About To Be Taken To Galbatorix In Uru'baen, A Rider Appeared To Rescue Me. A Rider And A Dragon!" "and Morzan's Son," He Said. "both Of Morzan's Sons." "describe It How You Will, It Was Such An Improbable Rescue, I Occasionally Think That I Did Go Mad And That I've Imagined Everything Since.
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