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Russia, Russia - Unwashed, Backward, Appealing Russia, So Ashamed Of Your Own Backwardness, So Orientally Determined To Conceal It From Us By Clever Deceit. So Sensitive And So Suspicious In The Face Of The Wicked, Civilized West. I Shall Always Remember You Slyly, Touchingly, But With Great Shouting And Confusion - Pumping Hot Water Into Our Sleeping Car In The Frosty Darkness Of A December Morning In Order That We Might Not Know, In Order That We Might Never Realize, To How Primitive A Land We Had Come.
-George F. Kennan
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Russia, Russia - Unwashed, Backward, Appealing Russia,

George F. Kennan
Russia, Russia - Unwashed, Backward, Appealing Russia, So Ashamed Of Your Own Backwardness, So Orientally Determined To Conceal It From Us By Clever Deceit. So Sensitive And So Suspicious In The Face Of The Wicked, Civilized West. I Shall Always Remember You Slyly, Touchingly, But With Great Shouting And Confusion - Pumping Hot Water Into Our Sleeping Car In The Frosty Darkness Of A December Morning In Order That We Might Not Know, In Order That We Might Never Realize, To How Primitive A Land We Had Come.
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