Opioid Replacement Therapy Is The Standard Evidence-based Model To Treat People With Acute Opioid Addiction, And That Is Unassailable According To Every Research Study That's Been Done. If That Is The Evidence-based Model, Then Why Can't We Meet The Large-scale Need That's Out There? We Can't Because One, There Aren't Enough Doctors Who Can Prescribe [drugs Like Methadone], And Two, There Are These Artificial Limits [by Insurers] On Who Doctors Can Prescribe To.
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Opioid Replacement Therapy Is The Standard Evidence-based

Patrick J. Kennedy
Opioid Replacement Therapy Is The Standard Evidence-based Model To Treat People With Acute Opioid Addiction, And That Is Unassailable According To Every Research Study That's Been Done. If That Is The Evidence-based Model, Then Why Can't We Meet The Large-scale Need That's Out There? We Can't Because One, There Aren't Enough Doctors Who Can Prescribe [drugs Like Methadone], And Two, There Are These Artificial Limits [by Insurers] On Who Doctors Can Prescribe To.
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