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Once In Awhile Throughout The Day...let Go Into Full Acceptance Of The Present Moment, Including How You Are Feeling And What You Perceive To Be Happening... Give Yourself Permission To Allow This Moment To Be Exactly As It Is, And Allow Yourself To Be Exactly As You Are. Then, When You're Ready, Move In The Direction Your Heart Tells You To Go, Mindfully And With Resolution.
-Jon Kabat-Zinn
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Once In Awhile Throughout The Day...let Go

Jon Kabat-Zinn
Once In Awhile Throughout The Day...let Go Into Full Acceptance Of The Present Moment, Including How You Are Feeling And What You Perceive To Be Happening... Give Yourself Permission To Allow This Moment To Be Exactly As It Is, And Allow Yourself To Be Exactly As You Are. Then, When You're Ready, Move In The Direction Your Heart Tells You To Go, Mindfully And With Resolution.
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