My Final Word, Before I'm Done, Is "cancer Can Be Rather Fun"- Provided One Confronts The Tumour With A Sufficient Sense Of Humour. I Know That Cancer Often Kills, But So Do Cars And Sleeping Pills; And It Can Hurt Till One Sweats, So Can Bad Teeth And Unpaid Debts. A Spot Of Laughter, I Am Sure, Often Accelerates One's Cure; So Let Us Patients Do Our Bit To Help The Surgeons Make Us Fit.
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My Final Word, Before I'm Done, Is

John B. S. Haldane
My Final Word, Before I'm Done, Is "cancer Can Be Rather Fun"- Provided One Confronts The Tumour With A Sufficient Sense Of Humour. I Know That Cancer Often Kills, But So Do Cars And Sleeping Pills; And It Can Hurt Till One Sweats, So Can Bad Teeth And Unpaid Debts. A Spot Of Laughter, I Am Sure, Often Accelerates One's Cure; So Let Us Patients Do Our Bit To Help The Surgeons Make Us Fit.
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