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Lev (léon) Shestov, A Russian Jew Who Later Became A French Jew And Even Converted To Catholicism, Defined God Not By His Power To Create The Laws Of Universe, But His Ability To Break Them At Will - The Capacity For Miracles. God Could Cancel The Past! For Instance, God Could Decide Retrospectively, That Socrates Was Never Poisoned... Assimilation Demanded A Miracle: That You Stop Having Been Somebody Else Before... But Only God Can Do It.
-Zygmunt Bauman
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Lev (léon) Shestov, A Russian Jew Who

Zygmunt Bauman
Lev (léon) Shestov, A Russian Jew Who Later Became A French Jew And Even Converted To Catholicism, Defined God Not By His Power To Create The Laws Of Universe, But His Ability To Break Them At Will - The Capacity For Miracles. God Could Cancel The Past! For Instance, God Could Decide Retrospectively, That Socrates Was Never Poisoned... Assimilation Demanded A Miracle: That You Stop Having Been Somebody Else Before... But Only God Can Do It.
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