I've Learned That I Must Find Positive Outlets For Anger Or It Will Destroy Me. There Is A Certain Anger: It Reaches Such Intensity That To Express It Fully Would Require Homicidal Rage--self Destructive, Destroy The World Rage--and Its Flame Burns Because The World Is So Unjust. I Have To Try To Find A Way To Channel That Anger To The Positive, And The Highest Positive Is Forgiveness.
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I've Learned That I Must Find Positive

Sidney Poitier
I've Learned That I Must Find Positive Outlets For Anger Or It Will Destroy Me. There Is A Certain Anger: It Reaches Such Intensity That To Express It Fully Would Require Homicidal Rage--self Destructive, Destroy The World Rage--and Its Flame Burns Because The World Is So Unjust. I Have To Try To Find A Way To Channel That Anger To The Positive, And The Highest Positive Is Forgiveness.
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