I've Been Talking About Income Inequality In America For Twenty Years, And When I Was President, People Didn't Pay Much Attention To It, Probably Because Wages Were Going Up. But I Don't Think I've Given A Single Solitary Speech Since I Left Office That I Hadn't Talked About It. It's A Problem Around The World And Within The United States. So These People Have Put That On The Agenda.
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I've Been Talking About Income Inequality In

William J. Clinton
I've Been Talking About Income Inequality In America For Twenty Years, And When I Was President, People Didn't Pay Much Attention To It, Probably Because Wages Were Going Up. But I Don't Think I've Given A Single Solitary Speech Since I Left Office That I Hadn't Talked About It. It's A Problem Around The World And Within The United States. So These People Have Put That On The Agenda.
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