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Israel Is Doing What Any Other Country Would Do, And Certainly The U.s. Would Do. If 80 Percent Of Your Population Were Under Fire And You Had 60 Seconds Or 90 Seconds To Get Into Bomb Shelters, If Terror Tunnels Were Dug Underneath Your Border In Order To Come In And Explode Your Kindergartens And Massacre Your People And Kidnap American Citizens.
-Benjamin Netanyahu
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Israel Is Doing What Any Other Country

Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel Is Doing What Any Other Country Would Do, And Certainly The U.s. Would Do. If 80 Percent Of Your Population Were Under Fire And You Had 60 Seconds Or 90 Seconds To Get Into Bomb Shelters, If Terror Tunnels Were Dug Underneath Your Border In Order To Come In And Explode Your Kindergartens And Massacre Your People And Kidnap American Citizens.
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