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If You've Made A Mistake, If You've Made A Blunder, Admit It To Yourself, And Then Go To The People Affected By It And Admit It To Them, And Tell Them You're Sorry. Full-heartedly And Openly. The Fact Of The Matter Is, That People Who Do That Make An Enormous Impression. It's The Right Thing To Do. It's The Moral Thing To Do.
-Brit Hume
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If You've Made A Mistake, If You've

Brit Hume
If You've Made A Mistake, If You've Made A Blunder, Admit It To Yourself, And Then Go To The People Affected By It And Admit It To Them, And Tell Them You're Sorry. Full-heartedly And Openly. The Fact Of The Matter Is, That People Who Do That Make An Enormous Impression. It's The Right Thing To Do. It's The Moral Thing To Do.
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