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If You're Texting Magnus To Say 'i Think U R Kewl,' I'm Going To Kill You." "who's Magnus?" Max Inquired. "he's A Warlock," Said Alec. "a Sexy, Sexy Warlock," Isabelle Told Max, Ignoring Alec's Look Of Total Fury. "but Warlocks Are Bad," Protested Max, Looking Baffled. "exactly," Said Isabelle.
-Cassandra Clare
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If You're Texting Magnus To Say 'i

Cassandra Clare
If You're Texting Magnus To Say 'i Think U R Kewl,' I'm Going To Kill You." "who's Magnus?" Max Inquired. "he's A Warlock," Said Alec. "a Sexy, Sexy Warlock," Isabelle Told Max, Ignoring Alec's Look Of Total Fury. "but Warlocks Are Bad," Protested Max, Looking Baffled. "exactly," Said Isabelle.
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