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If You Wanted To Create Jobs In A Way That Has Minimal Effect On The Deficit But Has Government Action, The Two Best Things You Could Do Are The Infrastructure Bank And A Simple Sba-like Loan Guarantee For All Building Retrofits, Where The Contractor Or The Energy-service Company Guarantees The Savings. So That Allows The Bank To Loan Money To Let A School Or A College Or A Hospital Or A Museum Or A Commercial Building Unencumbered By Debt To Loan It On Terms That Are Longer, So You Can Pay It Back Only From Your Utility Savings. You Could Create A Million Jobs Doing That.
-William J. Clinton
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If You Wanted To Create Jobs In

William J. Clinton
If You Wanted To Create Jobs In A Way That Has Minimal Effect On The Deficit But Has Government Action, The Two Best Things You Could Do Are The Infrastructure Bank And A Simple Sba-like Loan Guarantee For All Building Retrofits, Where The Contractor Or The Energy-service Company Guarantees The Savings. So That Allows The Bank To Loan Money To Let A School Or A College Or A Hospital Or A Museum Or A Commercial Building Unencumbered By Debt To Loan It On Terms That Are Longer, So You Can Pay It Back Only From Your Utility Savings. You Could Create A Million Jobs Doing That.
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