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I Think You're A Much Happier Person If You Say 'even If I Get Involved In Politics, I'm Only Doing So In Order To Serve The People'. You Will Sleep Much Easier, Not Serving Yourself, But Having Done Your Best To Serve The People. Even If You Have Not Succeeded, At Least You've Tried. You Haven't Stolen Anything, And You Haven't Robbed The People.
-Thabo Mbeki
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I Think You're A Much Happier Person

Thabo Mbeki
I Think You're A Much Happier Person If You Say 'even If I Get Involved In Politics, I'm Only Doing So In Order To Serve The People'. You Will Sleep Much Easier, Not Serving Yourself, But Having Done Your Best To Serve The People. Even If You Have Not Succeeded, At Least You've Tried. You Haven't Stolen Anything, And You Haven't Robbed The People.
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