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I Think The Regime In North Korea Is More Fragile Than People Think. The Country's Economic System Remains Desperate, And One Thing That Could Happen For Example Would Be Under A New Government In South Korea, To Get The South Korean Government To Live Up To Its Own Constitution, Which Says Any Korean Who Makes It To South Korea, Is A Korean Citizen. A Citizen Of The Republic Of Korea. And You Could Imagine The Impact That Would Have Inside North Korea If People Thought, "if I Could Get Out And Make It To South Korea, I Could Have A Different Life."
-John Bolton
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I Think The Regime In North Korea

John Bolton
I Think The Regime In North Korea Is More Fragile Than People Think. The Country's Economic System Remains Desperate, And One Thing That Could Happen For Example Would Be Under A New Government In South Korea, To Get The South Korean Government To Live Up To Its Own Constitution, Which Says Any Korean Who Makes It To South Korea, Is A Korean Citizen. A Citizen Of The Republic Of Korea. And You Could Imagine The Impact That Would Have Inside North Korea If People Thought, "if I Could Get Out And Make It To South Korea, I Could Have A Different Life."
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