I Think The Arrogance Of People Who Think Or Actually Are In The Establishment, Think They're Part Of It Or Actually Are, They Cannot Help Themselves, Apparently. They Take This Guy, Trump, Who Is Not A Politician, In The Career Sense, And They Plug Him Into Their System And Analyze What He Does And What He Says The Way They Analyze Professional Politicians And What They Say And Do, And They Miss It. Which Is Not News. The News Is They're Not Even Getting Close To Understanding It Yet. Despite The Never-ending Efforts On The Part Of People Like Me To Help Them Figure It Out.
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I Think The Arrogance Of People Who

Rush Limbaugh
I Think The Arrogance Of People Who Think Or Actually Are In The Establishment, Think They're Part Of It Or Actually Are, They Cannot Help Themselves, Apparently. They Take This Guy, Trump, Who Is Not A Politician, In The Career Sense, And They Plug Him Into Their System And Analyze What He Does And What He Says The Way They Analyze Professional Politicians And What They Say And Do, And They Miss It. Which Is Not News. The News Is They're Not Even Getting Close To Understanding It Yet. Despite The Never-ending Efforts On The Part Of People Like Me To Help Them Figure It Out.
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