I Think In The Inception And Creation Of The Characters, Improv Was The Most Important Part For Me, Because I Wanted To Feel At Home In Those Characters. I Wanted To Feel Like I Could Commit To Them. And So Much Of Improv Is Saying Yes And Committing, So I Think That's Where The Improv Came In. Even If I'm Saying Yes To The X Across The Room From Me, Or The Tennis Ball On A Stick, I Have To Stay Alive.
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I Think In The Inception And Creation

Tatiana Maslany
I Think In The Inception And Creation Of The Characters, Improv Was The Most Important Part For Me, Because I Wanted To Feel At Home In Those Characters. I Wanted To Feel Like I Could Commit To Them. And So Much Of Improv Is Saying Yes And Committing, So I Think That's Where The Improv Came In. Even If I'm Saying Yes To The X Across The Room From Me, Or The Tennis Ball On A Stick, I Have To Stay Alive.
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