I Think He [king Edward] Was A Modernizer Who Was A New Thinker. The Things He Intended To Do - Unify The Country, Expand It All From Coast To Coast - Were Very Modern And Radical In Those Days. Also, The Fact That He Married Who He Did And That He Managed To Deal With The Consequences And Ramifications Of That Marriage And Stay On The Throne Until The Day He Died, That Shows Skill.
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I Think He [king Edward] Was A

Max Irons
I Think He [king Edward] Was A Modernizer Who Was A New Thinker. The Things He Intended To Do - Unify The Country, Expand It All From Coast To Coast - Were Very Modern And Radical In Those Days. Also, The Fact That He Married Who He Did And That He Managed To Deal With The Consequences And Ramifications Of That Marriage And Stay On The Throne Until The Day He Died, That Shows Skill.
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