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I Supported The Korean Trade Agreement In 2011. They Promised - When It Was Signed, President [barak] Obama Said It Would Increase Our Exports To Korea By $10 Billion A Year.that Creates Jobs In America.since - Last Year, 2015, There Was No Increase, Like Instead Of Billions Of Dollars There Was Like A $100 Million Increase In Our Exports To Korea, Whereas As Their Imports To Us Went Up $12 Billion, And Our Trade Deficit Increased 240 Percent.
-Jeff Sessions
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I Supported The Korean Trade Agreement In

Jeff Sessions
I Supported The Korean Trade Agreement In 2011. They Promised - When It Was Signed, President [barak] Obama Said It Would Increase Our Exports To Korea By $10 Billion A Year.that Creates Jobs In America.since - Last Year, 2015, There Was No Increase, Like Instead Of Billions Of Dollars There Was Like A $100 Million Increase In Our Exports To Korea, Whereas As Their Imports To Us Went Up $12 Billion, And Our Trade Deficit Increased 240 Percent.
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