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I Don't Think I'm A Risk-taker. I Don't Think Any Entrepreneur Is. I Think That's One Of Those Myths Of Commerce. The New Entrepreneur Is More Values-led: You Do What Looks Risky To Other People Because That's What Your Convictions Tell You To Do. Other Companies Would Say I'm Taking Risks, But That's My Path - It Doesn't Feel Like Risk To Me.
-Anita Roddick
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I Don't Think I'm A Risk-taker. I

Anita Roddick
I Don't Think I'm A Risk-taker. I Don't Think Any Entrepreneur Is. I Think That's One Of Those Myths Of Commerce. The New Entrepreneur Is More Values-led: You Do What Looks Risky To Other People Because That's What Your Convictions Tell You To Do. Other Companies Would Say I'm Taking Risks, But That's My Path - It Doesn't Feel Like Risk To Me.
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