I Do Not Think I Exaggerate The Importance Or The Charms Of Pedestrianism, Or Our Need As A People To Cultivate The Art. I Think It Would Tend To Soften The National Manners, To Teach Us The Meaning Of Leisure, To Acquaint Us With The Charms Of The Open Air, To Strengthen And Foster The Tie Between The Race And The Land. No One Else Looks Out Upon The World So Kindly And Charitably As The Pedestrian; No One Else Gives And Takes So Much From The Country He Passes Through.
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I Do Not Think I Exaggerate The

John Burroughs
I Do Not Think I Exaggerate The Importance Or The Charms Of Pedestrianism, Or Our Need As A People To Cultivate The Art. I Think It Would Tend To Soften The National Manners, To Teach Us The Meaning Of Leisure, To Acquaint Us With The Charms Of The Open Air, To Strengthen And Foster The Tie Between The Race And The Land. No One Else Looks Out Upon The World So Kindly And Charitably As The Pedestrian; No One Else Gives And Takes So Much From The Country He Passes Through.
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