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I Can Tell Any Liberal Why He Or She Thinks What They Think. I Can Predict To Them What Their Reaction To Any Event Or Person Is Going To Be, Because I Know Them, Because I Have Taken The Time Because I'm Curious To Study It. I Know What Liberalism Is. I Know From Where It Springs And Derives, And I Know The Vast Majority Of People Who Are Liberals, What They Are Going To Do, Say, And Think About.
-Rush Limbaugh
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I Can Tell Any Liberal Why He

Rush Limbaugh
I Can Tell Any Liberal Why He Or She Thinks What They Think. I Can Predict To Them What Their Reaction To Any Event Or Person Is Going To Be, Because I Know Them, Because I Have Taken The Time Because I'm Curious To Study It. I Know What Liberalism Is. I Know From Where It Springs And Derives, And I Know The Vast Majority Of People Who Are Liberals, What They Are Going To Do, Say, And Think About.
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