Homosexual Behavior Is A Ground For Divorce, An Act Of Sexual Misconduct Punishable As A Crime In Alabama, A Crime Against Nature, An Inherent Evil, And An Act So Heinous That It Defies One's Ability To Describe It. The Homosexual Conduct Of A Parent - Conduct Involving A Sexual Relationship Between Two Persons Of The Same Gender - Creates A Strong Presumption Of Unfitness That Alone Is Sufficient Justification For Denying That Parent Custody.
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Homosexual Behavior Is A Ground For Divorce,

Roy Moore
Homosexual Behavior Is A Ground For Divorce, An Act Of Sexual Misconduct Punishable As A Crime In Alabama, A Crime Against Nature, An Inherent Evil, And An Act So Heinous That It Defies One's Ability To Describe It. The Homosexual Conduct Of A Parent - Conduct Involving A Sexual Relationship Between Two Persons Of The Same Gender - Creates A Strong Presumption Of Unfitness That Alone Is Sufficient Justification For Denying That Parent Custody.
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