He Grinned. It Was A Wicked Grin, The Kind That Made The Blood In Clary's Veins Run A Little Faster. "you Want To Go On A Date?" Caught Off Guard, She Stammered. "a Wh-what?" "a Date," Jace Repeated. "often 'a Boring Thing You Have To Memorize In History Class,' But In This Case, 'an Offering Of An Evening Of Blisteringly White-hot Romance With Yours Truly." "really?" Clary Was Not Sure What To Make Of This. "blisteringly White-hot?" "it's Me," Said Jace. "watching Me Play Scrabble Is Enough To Make Most Women Swoon. Imagine If I Actually Put In Some Effort.
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He Grinned. It Was A Wicked Grin,

Cassandra Clare
He Grinned. It Was A Wicked Grin, The Kind That Made The Blood In Clary's Veins Run A Little Faster. "you Want To Go On A Date?" Caught Off Guard, She Stammered. "a Wh-what?" "a Date," Jace Repeated. "often 'a Boring Thing You Have To Memorize In History Class,' But In This Case, 'an Offering Of An Evening Of Blisteringly White-hot Romance With Yours Truly." "really?" Clary Was Not Sure What To Make Of This. "blisteringly White-hot?" "it's Me," Said Jace. "watching Me Play Scrabble Is Enough To Make Most Women Swoon. Imagine If I Actually Put In Some Effort.
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