Hardy Cates," I Said, Coming Into The Room, "you Behave, Or I'll Step On Your Tube." The Nurse Seemed Taken Aback By My Unsympathetic Bedside Manner. But Hardy's Gaze Met Mine In A Moment Of Bright, Hot Voltage, And He Relaxed, Reassured In A Way That Cooing Sympathy Could Never Have Done. "that Only Works If It's A Breathing Tube," He Told Me.
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Hardy Cates," I Said, Coming Into The

Lisa Kleypas
Hardy Cates," I Said, Coming Into The Room, "you Behave, Or I'll Step On Your Tube." The Nurse Seemed Taken Aback By My Unsympathetic Bedside Manner. But Hardy's Gaze Met Mine In A Moment Of Bright, Hot Voltage, And He Relaxed, Reassured In A Way That Cooing Sympathy Could Never Have Done. "that Only Works If It's A Breathing Tube," He Told Me.
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