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Good Morning, Daddy! Ain't You Heard The Boogie-woogie Rumble Of A Dream Deferred? Listen Closely: You'll Hear Their Feet Beating Out And Beating Out A - You Think It's A Happy Beat? Listen To It Closely: Ain't You Heard Something Underneath Like A - What Did I Say? Sure, I'm Happy! Take It Away! Dream Boogie Hey, Pop! Re-bop! Mop! Y-e-a-h!
-Langston Hughes
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Good Morning, Daddy! Ain't You Heard The

Langston Hughes
Good Morning, Daddy! Ain't You Heard The Boogie-woogie Rumble Of A Dream Deferred? Listen Closely: You'll Hear Their Feet Beating Out And Beating Out A - You Think It's A Happy Beat? Listen To It Closely: Ain't You Heard Something Underneath Like A - What Did I Say? Sure, I'm Happy! Take It Away! Dream Boogie Hey, Pop! Re-bop! Mop! Y-e-a-h!
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