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Every Time A Militant Islamist Terrorist Shoots Somebody Up, What Does Barack Obama Do And The Democrats? They Come Out And They Demand That There Be No Backlash Against Muslims. So Any Time A Police Officer Shoots A Black Suspect - Without Knowing Why, Without Knowing The Circumstances - Why Doesn't Obama Stand Up And Warn Against A Backlash Against Cops? If We Are To Guard Against Backlash Against Muslim Shooters, Where Is The Sameness?
-Rush Limbaugh
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Every Time A Militant Islamist Terrorist Shoots

Rush Limbaugh
Every Time A Militant Islamist Terrorist Shoots Somebody Up, What Does Barack Obama Do And The Democrats? They Come Out And They Demand That There Be No Backlash Against Muslims. So Any Time A Police Officer Shoots A Black Suspect - Without Knowing Why, Without Knowing The Circumstances - Why Doesn't Obama Stand Up And Warn Against A Backlash Against Cops? If We Are To Guard Against Backlash Against Muslim Shooters, Where Is The Sameness?
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