Enough, Children. In Case You Haven’t Noticed, We Have A Major Situation Playing Out. We Have To Find And Stop War, Corral The Gallu, Protect Apostolos, And Get Savitar Out Of Here. (apollymi) Why The Later? (jared) Because I Hate His Guts. (apollymi) I Hate You, Too, Precious. (savitar)
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Enough, Children. In Case You Haven’t Noticed,

Sherrilyn Kenyon
Enough, Children. In Case You Haven’t Noticed, We Have A Major Situation Playing Out. We Have To Find And Stop War, Corral The Gallu, Protect Apostolos, And Get Savitar Out Of Here. (apollymi) Why The Later? (jared) Because I Hate His Guts. (apollymi) I Hate You, Too, Precious. (savitar)
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