Don't Feel Guilty If You Don't Immediately Love Your Stepchildren As You Do Your Own, Or As Much As You Think You Should. Everyoneneeds Time To Adjust To The New Family, Adults Included. There Is No Such Thing As An "instant Parent." Actually, No Concrete Object Lies Outside Of The Poetic Sphere As Long As The Poet Knows How To Use The Object Properly.
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Don't Feel Guilty If You Don't Immediately

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Don't Feel Guilty If You Don't Immediately Love Your Stepchildren As You Do Your Own, Or As Much As You Think You Should. Everyoneneeds Time To Adjust To The New Family, Adults Included. There Is No Such Thing As An "instant Parent." Actually, No Concrete Object Lies Outside Of The Poetic Sphere As Long As The Poet Knows How To Use The Object Properly.
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