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Did Either The Nonexistent Or The Measured Response After A Series Of Attacks On Americans The Past Decade - In Lebanon, Africa, Saudi Arabia, New York, And Yemen - Suggest To Our Terrorist Enemies That It Was Wrong And Unwise To Kill Reasonable And Affable People, Or Did The Easy Killing Imply That Self-absorbed And Pampered Lotus-eaters Would Not Much Care Who Or How Many Were Butchered As Long As It Was Within Reasonable Numbers And Spread Out Over Time?
-Victor Davis Hanson
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Did Either The Nonexistent Or The Measured

Victor Davis Hanson
Did Either The Nonexistent Or The Measured Response After A Series Of Attacks On Americans The Past Decade - In Lebanon, Africa, Saudi Arabia, New York, And Yemen - Suggest To Our Terrorist Enemies That It Was Wrong And Unwise To Kill Reasonable And Affable People, Or Did The Easy Killing Imply That Self-absorbed And Pampered Lotus-eaters Would Not Much Care Who Or How Many Were Butchered As Long As It Was Within Reasonable Numbers And Spread Out Over Time?
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