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Conscience Is Justice's Best Minister; It Threatens, Promises, Rewards, And Punishes And Keeps All Under Control; The Busy Must Attend To Its Remonstrances, The Most Powerful Submit To Its Reproof, And The Angry Endure Its Upbraidings. While Conscience Is Our Friend All Is Peace; But If Once Offended Farewell The Tranquil Mind.
-Mary Wortley Montagu
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Conscience Is Justice's Best Minister; It Threatens,

Mary Wortley Montagu
Conscience Is Justice's Best Minister; It Threatens, Promises, Rewards, And Punishes And Keeps All Under Control; The Busy Must Attend To Its Remonstrances, The Most Powerful Submit To Its Reproof, And The Angry Endure Its Upbraidings. While Conscience Is Our Friend All Is Peace; But If Once Offended Farewell The Tranquil Mind.
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