Chapter One. The Bride." He Held Up The Book Then. "i'm Reading It To You For Relax." He Practically Shoved The Book In My Face. "by S. Morgenstern. Great Florinese Writer. The Princess Bride. He Too Came To America. S. Morgenstern. Dead Now In New York. The English Is His Own. He Spoke Eight Tongues." Here My Father Put Down The Book And Held Up All His Fingers. "eight. Once In Florin City...
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Chapter One. The Bride." He Held Up

William Goldman
Chapter One. The Bride." He Held Up The Book Then. "i'm Reading It To You For Relax." He Practically Shoved The Book In My Face. "by S. Morgenstern. Great Florinese Writer. The Princess Bride. He Too Came To America. S. Morgenstern. Dead Now In New York. The English Is His Own. He Spoke Eight Tongues." Here My Father Put Down The Book And Held Up All His Fingers. "eight. Once In Florin City...
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