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Certainly, From Where I Stand, I'm Not A Specialist In Wildly Different Walks And Voices. But I Find As Much Variation And Nuance As What Satisfies Me In What I Do. So, I Don't Find This Particularly Different. He Has His Own Peculiarities. You're Probably Talking About A Cluster Of Englishmen In Suits But I've Done Quite A Big Cluster Of Guys Not In Suits As Well, Which I've Occupied Myself With. So, I Don't Find That This Is The One That Stands Out.
-Colin Firth
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Certainly, From Where I Stand, I'm Not

Colin Firth
Certainly, From Where I Stand, I'm Not A Specialist In Wildly Different Walks And Voices. But I Find As Much Variation And Nuance As What Satisfies Me In What I Do. So, I Don't Find This Particularly Different. He Has His Own Peculiarities. You're Probably Talking About A Cluster Of Englishmen In Suits But I've Done Quite A Big Cluster Of Guys Not In Suits As Well, Which I've Occupied Myself With. So, I Don't Find That This Is The One That Stands Out.
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