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But The Way To Overcome Is By Patience, Forgiving And Praying For Your Enemies, In Doing Whereof You Heap Coals Upon Their Heads, And Your Lord Shall Open A Door To You In Your Trouble: Wait Upon Him, As The Night Watch Waiteth For The Morning. He Will Not Tarry. Go Up To Your Watch-tower, And Come Not Down, But By Prayer, And Faith, And Hope, Wait On.
-Samuel Rutherford
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But The Way To Overcome Is By

Samuel Rutherford
But The Way To Overcome Is By Patience, Forgiving And Praying For Your Enemies, In Doing Whereof You Heap Coals Upon Their Heads, And Your Lord Shall Open A Door To You In Your Trouble: Wait Upon Him, As The Night Watch Waiteth For The Morning. He Will Not Tarry. Go Up To Your Watch-tower, And Come Not Down, But By Prayer, And Faith, And Hope, Wait On.
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