But Now You're Unhappy," He Pointed Out. "and?" I Challenged. "that Doesn't Seem Fair." He Shrugged, But His Eyes Were Still Intense. I Laughed Without Humour. "hasn't Anyone Told You? Life Isn't Fair." "i Believe I Have Heard That Somewhere Before," He Agreed Dryly.
Please Wait....
But Now You're Unhappy," He Pointed Out.

Stephenie Meyer
But Now You're Unhappy," He Pointed Out. "and?" I Challenged. "that Doesn't Seem Fair." He Shrugged, But His Eyes Were Still Intense. I Laughed Without Humour. "hasn't Anyone Told You? Life Isn't Fair." "i Believe I Have Heard That Somewhere Before," He Agreed Dryly.
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