As One Studies These Preconditions, One Becomes Saddened By The Ease With Which Human Potentiality Can Be Destroyed Or Repressed, So That A Fully-human Person Can Seem Like A Miracle, So Improbable A Happening As To Be Awe-inspiring. And Simultaneously One Is Heartened By The Fact That Self-actualizing Persons Do In Fact Exist, That They Are Therefore Possible, That The Gauntlet Of Dangers Can Be Run, That The Finish Line Can Be Crossed.
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As One Studies These Preconditions, One Becomes

Abraham Maslow
As One Studies These Preconditions, One Becomes Saddened By The Ease With Which Human Potentiality Can Be Destroyed Or Repressed, So That A Fully-human Person Can Seem Like A Miracle, So Improbable A Happening As To Be Awe-inspiring. And Simultaneously One Is Heartened By The Fact That Self-actualizing Persons Do In Fact Exist, That They Are Therefore Possible, That The Gauntlet Of Dangers Can Be Run, That The Finish Line Can Be Crossed.
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